
8 Places I'd Rather Be Than Here in the Library


It's that time of the month where Tim Bailey screws us all over, tells us that we're expecting a pretty
sunny week, nek minnit, there's an expected thunderstorm outside and I'm the girl in the singlet, who conveniently forgot to bring her umbrella. It doesn't help that I also have an exam this week and the rain just makes me want to sleep. So, here we go, a procrastination post: 8 Places I'd Rather Be than Here in the Library...

1. A Cave Pool in Santorini
Pretty sure I don't even need to say anything except, wowzaaa.

2. Conrad Rangali's Island Resort
Think of all of the Instagram captions: A reference to Little Mermaid or Finding Nemo even

3. Shake Shack in New York City
Because I'm hungry and there's unfortunately no decent place to get a burger around Randwick.

4. Marco Polo at the Ivy
Because let's face it, it's the closest we're gonna get. And I need a drink ASAP. 

5. In the middle of an OC marathon
Because I just like Seth Cohen

6. Shopping for a sweater
You don't even understand how cold it is out here

7. At the Gym, In my Dreams.
You know procrastination is bad when you're actually thinking about 'exercising'

8 My bed, Home.
Because the only outfit of the day I want to be werkin right now is my pajamas.

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  1. That Cave Pool looks pretty much perfect! I cannot even imagine how much it would cost! Maybe when I win the lottery? :D Really been enjoying reading this blog. Keep it up! xx :)

    1. Haha I could only imagine! I'm sure a regular pool with a white canopy over it could suffice aswell!

  2. Santorini for sure!! definitely on my bucket list


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